Patterns of regional development in Uruguay in a long-term perspective (20th and 21st centuries)
- Status: Activo
- Associated group: Economic history, Projects, Development
The general objective of the project is to identify the levels of economic development of the different regions of Uruguay from an endogenous perspective (initially departments, but also groupings of these) and their relative evolution over the last 120 years in order to achieve a complete and integral interpretation of the country's economic development.
The project intends to contribute in three different ways: i) to create a thorough database with five-year series of indicators of production organization, human capital, and social environment covering the twentieth and twenty-first centuries for the country's 19 departments; (ii) to describe Uruguay's territorial, endogenous, and historical development with the creation of a combined and summary indicator (DETE), as well as alternative versions that will be, at the same time, additional methodological products of this project. iii) to carry out historical approaches to local development in three regions of the country (north coast, northeast, and east) through qualitative approaches that will allow validation of the quantitative exercises.
The project is funded by the I+D 2020 Program of the CSIC (Sectorial Commission for Scientific Research - UdelaR) and is coordinated by Prof. H. Willebald and the research team is formed by professors I. Centurión, M. Dianessi, P. Marmissolle, G. Nogueira, M. Presa and A. Rodríguez Miranda.