DT 10 - 25 Resultados de la Encuesta de Actividad Empresarial del Departamento de Canelones 2023 (2da Edición)

This article describes the methodology and analyze the results of the 2023 Business Activity Survey of the Department of Canelones. This survey was conducted among micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises in the Canelones region as a result of a cooperation agreement between the regional business chamber (Cámara Empresarial Canaria), the Government of Canelones - through the Centro de Estudios Estratégicos Canario-and the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Administration of the Universidad de la República (FCEA). This study aims to lay the foundation for the ongoing generation and analysis of information that contributes to understanding the dynamics of business development in the region of Canelones and its territories, serving as an input for planning and designing departmental policies by both public and private actors. The information presented highlights key aspects such as market characteristics and the territorial location of clients, the geographic origin of suppliers and workers, cooperation networks for innovation, training, as well as the relationships between companies and between companies and support organizations. It also identifies the main challenges faced by businesses in the region. The survey results provide unprecedented data that help contrast prior perceptions and support more informed decision-making.

Keywords: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), Canelones, Uruguay, local development, regional economy