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  • DT 09/22 - Consensos y disensos de los economistas en Uruguay

DT 09/22 - Consensos y disensos de los economistas en Uruguay

This article considers the level of consensus among Uruguayan economists regarding a set of economic propositions. Based on an online survey and using a Likert scale, we ask for the level of agreement with 39 economic propositions. Our results indicate that strong and substantial consensus is lower among Uruguayan economists than among their colleagues in other countries. Higher levels of agreement correspond to propositions related to discrimination and, to a lesser extent, environmental issues. The will of improving income equality and the importance of the State to achieve it generate consensus. However, there is no consensus about redistributive tools. Based on clustering on multiple correspondence analysis, we distinguish two differentiated groups according to their support for different economic propositions. The probability of belonging to either of these groups is strongly associated with ideological identification.