Early childhood screen exposure in Uruguay: study based on the ENDIS (Nutrition and childhood development survey) and local sources

The project aims to analyze the relationship between exposure to screens and early childhood development in Uruguay.   

The advancement of technology and the resulting rise in infant screen time make it necessary to comprehend the connections between this phenomenon and child development. 

The study is based on data collected by the "Encuesta de Nutrición, Desarrollo Infantil y Salud" (ENDIS), the "Estudio Longitudinal de Bienestar en Uruguay" (ELBU) and administrative records of ANEP. 

This research seeks to provide evidence on a previously unexplored topic in our country, generating fundamental inputs for understanding child development. Within this framework, it will contribute to improving the design and implementation of policies aimed at early childhood, which enhance learning and reduce potential risks in using new technologies.  

Fondo Sectorial de Salud en Primera Infancia and "Uruguay Crece Contigo" (Uruguay Grows with You), a Ministry of Social Development program, supported this initiative.

Members: Paola Cazulo, Karina Colombo, Elisa Failache, Noemi Katzkowicz, Jimena Pandolfi.