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DT 03/20 - Consumo de alimentos en Uruguay (1900-1970): Metodología y fuentes para la elaboración de series de consumo aparente

This study provides estimates of food consumption of the main food items of the Uruguayan economy from the beginning of the 20th century to the 1970. We elaborate apparent consumption series of the main food products of the Uruguayan households’ basket, using the commodity flow approach and the food balance sheet methodology. The sample of chosen items has an important weight in the households’ budget and includes the most important foods in term of nutrients and calories to the daily intakes: meat (bovine, ovine and porcine), wheat flour and wheat products, milk, potatoes and sweet potatoes. The paper has a strong methodological as it concentrates on the elaboration of annual series in physical which allow calculating levels of consumption per capita and its evolution over the period studied.