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  • DT 03 - 24 Global mapping of dependency in older people

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DT 03 - 24 Global mapping of dependency in older people

This paper addresses the geographical differences in the prevalence of dependency in older adults and its differences by demographic characteristics (gender and age) within and across countries. We estimate internationally comparable dependency indicators for 31 countries in 4 continents with available information on help requirements in Activities of Daily Living for people aged 65 and older. The main indicator includes three activities: bathing, eating, and dressing. The highest level of dependency is found in Israel (18.5%) and the lower in Switzerland (5.5%). Dependency rates are almost always higher for women than for men, but sex differences only appear in people aged 80+ and statistically country differences blur for those aged 65-79. Our analysis supports the male-female survival paradox for dependency. The differences found in the prevalence regarding the family of surveys is a strong argument for the international harmonization of the formulation of the dependency questions.

Keywords:  activities of daily living, need for help, SHARE, HRS, ageing measures