XIII Conference of the Network on Inequality and Poverty of Latin America and the Caribbean - LACEA (NIP)

On October 12 and 13, the Conference of the Network on Inequality and Poverty of Latin America and the Caribbean - LACEA (NIP), Uruguay Chapter, will take place.
These conferences, which have been held in the country since 2010, bring together undergraduate and master's students as well as national and international researchers who meet to present and discuss their work in progress.
This year we have the visit of Professor Olivier Bargain, Professor of Economics at the University of Bordeaux, formerly Professor of the University of Aix Marseille, University College Dublin and the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA, Bonn); who researches issues of public, labor, development and international economics.
In addition, Guido Neidhöfer, senior researcher at ZEW – Leibniz Center for European Economic Research, and member of the College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research, will participate together with Professor Martín Leites (Instituto de Economía - UdelaR) in a panel discussion on economic mobility.
The complete information of the Conference, the program, as well as detailed information of the foreign professors invited, can be consulted at the following link:
The conferences are held in person and attendance is free and welcomed.