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  • DT 24/21 - Precio de esclavos y esclavas en inventarios post mortem 1760-1825

DT 24/21 - Precio de esclavos y esclavas en inventarios post mortem 1760-1825

This paper provides, for the first time, estimations about the evolution and determinant factors for slave prices in Montevideo between 1760 and 1825. It uses a database built from the post-mortem inventories conserved in the Judicial Archive in Uruguay; which contains 503 records. Observations made by appraisers regarding slaves, show that the attributes that affect their price setting are: their health and nutritional status, job qualifications and age. These variables, along with sex, are tested as price determinants through the using of econometric models. The results, in line with findings for other regions of the Americas,show that age, illness, and skill qualifications are significant variables to explain price. However, sex was not proven to be significant. Additionally, the data recovered is not enough to conclude that the price of slaves has suffered any significant increases or decreases in this period.