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  • DT 06/22 - Desigualdades de género en la trayectoria académica de investigadores e investigadoras en Uruguay

DT 06/22 - Desigualdades de género en la trayectoria académica de investigadores e investigadoras en Uruguay

Despite progress in the participation of women in science, there are still gender gaps in the advancement and consolidation of their academic careers. The international literature points out the relevance of studying how gender roles, especially those derived from care responsibilities, affect men and women differently at different stages of academic careers. This document includes the first results of the project "The link between motherhood and fatherhood and gender inequalities in the academic trajectories", which has the objective of studying the influence of motherhood and fatherhood in the construction of academic trajectories of male and female researchers in Uruguay. The analysis focuses on three dimensions: 1) postgraduate training trajectories, 2) progress on the academic stratification scales, and 3) academic production. The data source used is the CVUy - managed by the National Agency for Research and Innovation (ANII - Uruguay), which allowed the construction of a longitudinal database that combines demographic and academic information, and is complemented by a primary source of information. The results show gender inequalities in the three dimensions explored. Most of these inequalities are non-existent at the beginning of the academic activity and are generated and amplified throughout the life cycle. The evidence presented suggests that motherhood plays a relevant role in widening gender gaps in academia.