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  • DT 02/22 - Impact of COVID-19 on higher education: Evidence from Uruguay

DT 02/22 - Impact of COVID-19 on higher education: Evidence from Uruguay

This article provides empirical evidence about the effects of COVID-19 on university students' educational outcomes in the first year of enrollment for a developing country, Uruguay. To do this, we use administrative microdata from the public university students from 2017 to 2020. Our findings show that students enrolled in 2020 are more likely to drop out and take fewer courses but are more prone to obtain larger scores than the previous generations. These effects are more pronounced for males and students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. In addition, using survey data, we find that the lack of access to bibliographic material, the lack of interaction with teachers and students, and not having adequate resources is associated with a reduction in the number of approved courses, a less average score, and enrollment in fewer courses. Moreover, the possibility of having classes at any time, taking courses from home and avoiding the travelling time increase the number of approved courses and the average score. Finally, we observe that employed students do relatively worse than non-employed students.