Patent Collaboration Networks in Latin America: Extra-regional Orientation and Core-Periphery Structure Author(s): Bianchi, Carlos - Galaso, Pablo - Palomeque, Sergio Journal: Journal of Scientometric Research Research group: Development Year: 2021
The leading role of support organisations in cluster networks of developing countries Author(s): Galaso, Pablo - Rodríguez Miranda, Adrián Journal: Industry & Innovation Research group: Development Year: 2020
Collaboration networks, geography and innovation: Local and national embeddedness Author(s): Galaso, Pablo - Kovárik, Jaromír Journal: Papers in Regional Science Research group: Development Year: 2021
Influential Players in Social Policy Networks Author(s): Biosca, Olga - Galaso, Pablo Journal: Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance Research group: Development Year: 2020
DT 04/20 - Invention and Collaboration Networks in Latin America: Evidence from Patent Data Author(s): Bianchi, Carlos - Galaso, Pablo - Palomeque, Sergio Research group: Development Year: 2020
Core-periphery relations in the international mergers and acquisitions network Author(s): Galaso, Pablo - Sánchez Díez, Ángeles Journal: Applied Econometrics and International Development Research group: Development Year: 2020
Inter-firm collaborations to make or to buy innovation. Evidence from the rubber and plastics cluster in Uruguay. Author(s): Galaso, Pablo - Picasso, Santiago - Rodríguez Miranda, Adrián Journal: Management Research Research group: Development Year: 2019
What makes a key player in interorganizational social policy networks? The case of Uruguay Author(s): Galaso, Pablo - Biosca, Olga Journal: International Journal of Public Administration Research group: Development Year: 2020
Patent collaboration networks in Sweden and Spain during the Second Industrial Revolution Author(s): Galaso, Pablo - Andersson, David E. - Sáiz, Patricio Journal: Industry & Innovation Research group: Development Year: 2019
Los efectos de la red mundial de fusiones y adquisiciones sobre la inversión: un estudio para América Latina Author(s): Galaso, Pablo - Sánchez Díez, Ángeles - García Gómez, Sofía - Olivas, César Journal: Revista de Economía Mundial Research group: Development Year: 2018
Local development, social capital and social network analysis: Evidence from Uruguay Author(s): Galaso, Pablo - Goinheix, Sebastián - Rodríguez Miranda, Adrián Journal: Revista de Estudios Regionales Research group: Development Year: 2018
Network topologies as collective social capital in cities and regions: a critical review of empirical studies Author(s): Galaso, Pablo Journal: European Planning Studies Research group: Development Year: 2018